The sweet success of Dr Tunga’s farm: Where sustainable agriculture meets profit

Nestled in the heart of Zimbabwe's Lowveld, Dr Tunga's farm is a beacon of innovation and sustainability. This pioneering farmer has revolutionised his sugarcane farm by harnessing the power of cover crops and pasture to boost his yields, reduce his environmental footprint, and create a thriving value-added business.
At the heart of Dr. Tunga's success lies a simple yet powerful concept: cover crops and pasture. By planting diverse cover crops on his fields during the winter months, Dr Tunga can improve soil health, reduce soil erosion, and create a natural source of nutrients for both his sugarcane crops as well as livestock and wildlife.

Cover crops under pivot on Dr Tunga's farm
"It's all about creating a symbiotic relationship between our crops, the livestock and us human beings," Dr. Tunga explains. "The cover crops act as a living mulch, suppressing weeds and retaining moisture in the soil. And when we plant our sugarcane, the cover crops provide a natural source of nutrients, reducing our reliance on synthetic fertilisers."
But Dr Tunga's use of cover crops is just the beginning. His farm is also home to a diverse range of pasture species, which provide a haven for his cattle to graze on year-round. In winter he religiously sows ryegrass, oats and legumes (such as vetch and clovers) while during summer his permanent summer pastures blossom to life with lush green blades of panicum, brachiaria and forage sorghums.
“This year I intend to increase my summer pasture hectarage with introductions of reclaimer Rhodes grass as well as lucerne.” Dr Tunga goes on to say, “Reclaimer Rhodes grass brings in a lot of benefits to my farm, I can graze it, make silage as well as good quality hay. It is very fast growing and I love how it destroys nematodes in the soil.”
"Our pastures are designed to mimic nature," Dr. Tunga says proudly. "We're creating a diverse ecosystem that supports both our cattle and our sugarcane crops. The cattle help to break up the soil with their hooves, while the grasses and legumes provide a natural source of nutrients for our soil."
The benefits of this integrated approach are clear: Dr Tunga's beef is renowned for its tenderness and flavour, while his sugarcane yields are among the highest in the region. "We've seen a significant reduction in our environmental impact," Dr. Tunga says. "By using cover crops and pasture, we're reducing our water usage, minimising our chemical inputs, and creating a more resilient ecosystem."
But Dr Tunga's farm is not just about sustainable agriculture; it's also about creating a thriving value-added business. His butchery in Chiredzi town is a hub of activity, where he processes and markets his beef products to local consumers. "It's all about adding value to our products," he explains. "We're not just selling raw meat; we're offering premium products that command a higher price at market."
As we sit down to enjoy a delicious lunch prepared at Dr Tunga's farm, it's clear that his innovative approach is paying off. The beef is tender and flavourful, with a depth of flavour that's hard to find in commercial products.
A model for sustainability
Dr Tunga's farm is a shining example of how sustainable agriculture can benefit both the environment and local communities. By using cover crops and pasture as the backbone of his enterprise, he's created a thriving ecosystem that supports both his cattle and his sugarcane crops. He's also created jobs and income opportunities for local people through his value-added business, providing a model for other farmers to follow. "We're proud to be part of the movement towards more sustainable agriculture," Dr. Tunga says with a smile.
As we leave the farm, it's clear that Dr. Tunga's success is a testament to his commitment to innovation, sustainability, and community development. His farm is a beacon of hope for a brighter future – one in which sustainable agriculture can thrive alongside profitable enterprises.
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