Zimbabwe Boran Breeders Society Sale

Auction Lots

Join us at the 9th NATIONAL ZBBS SALE

The annual Zimbabwe Boran Breeders Society (ZBBS) production sale showcases registered stock such as bulls, young heifers, pregnant heifers and cows with calves.

All Boran on sale have been inspected and are sold under the auspice of ZBBS.

The ZBBS mid-year production sales have become highly anticipated, with this year’s 9th one continuing the upward trajectory of the breed’s popularity. The sale traditionally attracts interest from both stud breeders and cattlemen and cattlewomen as it offers them the chance to acquire some of the finest Boran genetics in Zimbabwe. It is also an opportunity to network with like-minded individuals and learn more about Zimbabwean’s collective passion for cattle breeding.

This year’s event is being held over two days. Be sure to come to CC Sales, Mount Hampden, to join us for what promises to be a memorable event.

VIEWING DATE: Friday, 5 July
TIME: 2pm onwards

There will be a viewing of the yarding on offer where you can get up close with the cattle on sale.

SALE DATE: Saturday, 6 July
TIME: 11.00am
ENTRANCE FEE: US$5 (Under 12 Free)

The sale will be conducted in both live and online formats.

GUEST SPEAKERS: Saturday, 6 July

The event lineup kicks off at 09:00am onwards, with talks from guest speakers:

  • 09:00am – 09:30am Jessica Phathela, Zimbabwean-born Manager of top South African Boran Stud, Ntaba Nyoni
  • 09:30am – 10:00am Francois Smit, President of the SA Boran Society

These experts will provide invaluable insights into the advantages of Boran cattle and share their experiences on best practices for breeding and managing these remarkable animals.

Why Boran Cattle in Zimbabwe?

Read more in our article – https://agriculture.co.zw/2024/06/17/boran-cattle-shine-in-tough-zimbabwean-conditions/


Boran cattle were introduced into Zimbabwe in late 1993 via an embryo transplant programme.

The then Boran Cattle Society was formed in 1996 but failed to become active due to low animal and breeder numbers. The Society was resuscitated in 2011 as The Zimbabwe Boran Breeders Society (ZBBS). Since then, the ZBBS has continued to play a pivotal role in promoting the breed’s suitability for the country’s farming conditions. With the Society’s efforts, the breed continues to rise in popularity in our national cattle herds, offering a profitable and efficient solution for cattle producers nationwide.


Find the ZBBS on:

Facebook: Zimbabwe Boran Breeders Society
Website: www.boran.co.zw
Or, contact them by email: boranzimbabwe@gmail.com
