The importance of stud livestock, pedigrees and records for the livestock sector

The Zimbabwe Herd Book (ZHB) is an important registry system that maintains detailed records of pedigree livestock breeds in Zimbabwe. It serves as the official database documenting the lineage, performance records, and genetic history of registered cattle, sheep and goats, ensuring the integrity and traceability of superior breeding stock.
Why is the Zimbabwe Herd Book important for Zimbabwe’s cattle industry?
Pedigree livestock are essentially the foundation of the broader livestock industry, much like parent plants are to seed production.
Stud breeding, which involves controlled mating and detailed birth notifications, is recorded with the ZHB. These carefully bred animals possess verified genetics and proven performance traits that have been documented over generations. When farmers use pedigree bulls and cows in their breeding programs, they can predict with greater certainty the qualities their offspring will inherit, from fertility, growth rates and feed efficiency to meat quality and milk production.
To understand the value of pedigree livestock registered in the ZHB, consider buying a car. When purchasing a vehicle with comprehensive service records and documented history, you know exactly what you're getting: the maintenance schedule, any repairs done, its ownership chain, and how it has been treated over the years. This gives you confidence in its quality and future performance.
In contrast, buying a car without any documentation is like acquiring non-pedigree cattle: you have no way to verify its background or predict potential issues. While the initial cost might be lower, you're taking a significant risk regarding its reliability and performance. The car could have hidden problems that only surface later, just as non-pedigree livestock might carry undesirable genetic traits that could negatively impact your herd's productivity.
The ZHB thus acts like a detailed vehicle history report for cattle, providing farmers with authenticated information about the animals they're investing in. This system helps maintain high standards in the national herd while giving farmers the confidence to make informed breeding decisions that will enhance their herds' productivity and profitability over time.
Just as a reputable car dealership builds trust through professional certifications and standardised practices, accredited cattle breeders establish credibility through their commitment to industry standards and best practices.
Accredited breeders who maintain their registration status demonstrate a fundamental commitment to excellence in cattle breeding. Their willingness to comply with rigorous record-keeping requirements and submit to regular inspections speaks volumes about their professional integrity. When a breeder invests the time and effort to maintain accredited status with the Zimbabwe Herd Book, it signals to potential buyers that they're dealing with someone who takes their responsibilities seriously.
Breeds and societies
Breed societies operate under the framework of the Zimbabwe Herd Book, which means that breeders must first become members of a relevant breed society to register their animals with the ZHB. This structure ensures compliance with the Registration of Pedigree Farm Livestock Act and the ZHB's own constitution and bylaws.
The various breed societies cater to specific breeds, ensuring that stud breeders' interests are represented. Each society has its own rules and regulations that align with ZHB's overarching guidelines.
Once a breeder is a member of a breed society and has joined the ZHB, they must submit registration certificates and birth notifications for animals in their possession.
Breeders need to register a unique stud name (prefix) and Herd Designation Letters (HDL) for exclusive use, which are used to uniquely identify animals. Each animal recorded with the ZHB must have two means of identification.
The ZHB must be notified of births, deaths, sales, transfers, cancellations, or any other disposal of the animal. If a calf is not intended for registration due to reasons like an unknown sire or if it was stillborn, the birth must still be notified to ZHB to keep the dam's calving record up to date. Birth Notifications (BN) should be submitted within 60 days of birth, either on prescribed manual forms or electronically using the HerdMASTER programme or Excel spreadsheet templates.
The breeder is responsible for ensuring all details are correct to minimise delays in processing data.
The ZHB also facilitates beef performance recording, allowing breeders to submit performance data to provide genetic evaluations allowing for breeding decisions based on genetic merit.
Importance in agriculture
The ZHB plays a critical role in supporting livestock production in Zimbabwe by ensuring high genetic standards and promoting best practices in animal husbandry. This is vital for both commercial producers and stud breeders aiming to improve their livestock's quality through effective breeding strategies.
By maintaining records of pedigree and ancestry, the ZHB supports the long-term genetic improvement of cattle. A strong commercial industry depends on a healthy and vibrant stud industry to offer breeding stock that meets requirements in various production environments.
The ZHB organises events like the annual Beef School to enhance the practices and profitability of beef cattle production in Zimbabwe, providing a platform for cattle producers to network, share experiences, and advance their knowledge.
Importantly, the ZHB supports breed societies that promote and protect the interests of their livestock breeds, including indigenous breeds. Showcasing indigenous breeds can generate public interest and highlight their adaptability and fertility.
Address details
As their head office functions as an invaluable central registry bureau for livestock buyers across the country, the organisation remains an important reference point for the pedigree industry. It ensures that the entire livestock industry is offered top-quality genetics at national sales.
Livestock purchasers can directly contact this knowledge hub to access comprehensive information about the various breeds available within Zimbabwe and receive expert guidance on which breeds are best suited to specific geographical regions based on climate, vegetation, and production goals. This specialised knowledge resource helps farmers make informed decisions that align with their environmental conditions and production objectives, ultimately leading to more successful outcomes and stronger genetic advancement throughout Zimbabwe's livestock industry.
The Zimbabwe Herd Book can be found at the Exhibition Park (Harare Showgrounds), Samora Machel Avenue, Harare.
Further information can be sourced on their webpage