Heritage Tobacco Handlers

112 Seke Road, Graniteside, Harare

Heritage Tobacco Handlers is a fast growing Zimbabwean company which was registered  in 2020 and incorporated with Tobacco Industry Marketing Board (TIMB) in November 2020. The company operates in a Joint Venture with the Chinese company Tian-ze Tobacco to support small scale farmers.

A significant portion of tobacco production in Zimbabwe is carried out by small-scale farmers, so our goal is to support and strengthen these farmers through contract farming. We provide them with essential resources and inputs necessary for growing tobacco to ensure a successful production process.

We believe in the crucial role played by small-scale farmers and aim to enhance their livelihoods by equipping them with fertilizers and technical guidance. At Heritage Tobacco Handlers, we are committed to fostering a mutually beneficial relationship with farmers, contributing to the growth of Zimbabwe’s tobacco sector while prioritizing their success and well-being.

Where to find us